Title:- Stormbreaker
Author: Anthony Horrowitz
Genre: Adventure,YA
ISBN: 9780142401651
Pages: 256
Rating: 4 Stars
Strombreaker is a spy novel written by Anthony Horrowitz. I came across this book by a YouTube channel, I can't remember the name. But I must say, have heard heard a lot of praises about the book.
So the story revolves around a teenager named Alex Raider. Who has been living with his uncle Ian Raider. Alex, one evening comes to know that his uncle had died in a car accident . Which further revealed to be a spacial ops headquarter, and his uncle was a spy. Long story short, Alex, becomes a spy. He follows his uncle's footsteps and the same team hires him to complete the mission his uncle couldn't complete. He is then sent to look further in the case where he comes across many horrific realizations.
This is your most mainstream teen saves the world type of novel. Despite being the generic novel it is. It tickles some nostalgia . Most of the time I can see through the plot. But still I found some surprises and plot twist. I liked it. It feels good to read something like this once in a while. And I finished it in one day. Which is quite an achievement because I never did before of the novel of mediocre size. If you like spy novels and looking something to put you out of slump this will be the one for you.
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